Friday, April 20, 2012

2nd Khutbah

knapa kalian belum pulang???
cepet pulang sana....brisik banget tau....
(cuma bisa di dalam hati)...

yach..biasanya..jam segini
cuma tinggal aku sendiri....
tapi...ini udah jam setengah 8 mereka masih di Lab..
bukannya belajar...tapi ngobrol...
sebagai info saja...
tidak semua anak2 jepang itu rajin belajar..
banyak juga dari mereka yang pemalas...
dan suka ngerumpi...
hmm...maaf..aku lagi ngerumpi ga ya??
ah semoga aja ga...cuma berbagi info saja...
tentang situasi terkini masyarakat jepang...

Hari ini lumayan sibuk...
hari pertama yang ada kelas paginya...
setengah 9 itu biasanya aku masih dirumah...
tapi hari ini jam segitu aku sudah di depan Prof Wang..
tapi Alhamdulillah..kelas ini sangat menarik buatku..
aku jadi lebih tau proses terjadinya longsor...
semoga aku bisa berbagi dengan teman2 di indo nantinya...

Habis kelas Prof Wang
dan setelah ngeprint bahan khutbah ku hari ini...
aku lansung masuk kelas seminar...dengan Shimomai-sensei...

Setengah 12 ..selesai kelas..aku lansung...menuju tempat 
jumat hari ini..dan tak lupa sebelumnya...mengambil kunci ruangan
untuk Sholat Jumat.
Belum ada yang datang...aku lansung menyiapkan tikar....
dan siap2 untuk khutbah ku hari ini...
Semua berjalan lancar...hari ini aku lebih percaya diri..
dan sepertinya teman2 bisa menerima khutbahku...

Setelah makan siang...aku lansung bersiap2...
untuk kelas bahasa jepang....lumayan heboh..
karena kelas hari ini, Izumi sensei..memperlihatkan
photo2 ku pada saat jalan2 ke Izumo castle..1 bulan yang lalu..

Hmm...tak trasa malam datang....saat aku tulis ini..
Alhamdulillah....dengan kesibukan hari ini..
aku bisa menghilangkan kesedihan di hatiku..
karena hari ini..temanku Bibin menikah...
dan aku tak bisa datang..bahkan tak sempat menyiapkan hadiah
untuknya..semoga semua berjalan lancar....dan semoga menjadi keluarga 
SAMARA..long lasting..and happily everafter...Amiiin
dan hari ini..hanafi di malaysia ada dirumah sakit..
karena sakit punggungnya kambuh...sepertinya dia harus operasi tulang 
dipunggungnya...semoga saja semua berjalan lancar..dan kita bisa bertemu
lagi nanti...Amiiin...

oya..khutbahku hari ini adalah tentang sabar dan memaafkan...
semoga apa yang aku sampaikan menjadi berkah padaku...dan yang membaca..
barakallahu li walakum...

Friday 20th, 2012
1st khutbah

الحمد لله، نَحْمَدُهُ وَنَسْتَعِينُهُ وَنَسْتَغْفِرُهُ ونتوب إليه.
وَنَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ شُرُورِأَنْفُسِنَا وَمِنْ سَيِّئَاتِ أَعْمَالِنَا.
مَنْ يَهْدِهِ اللَّهُ فَلا مُضِلَّ لَهُ وَمَنْ يُضْلِلْ فَلا هَادِيَ لَهُ       
Dear blessed jemaah,
I wish to take this opportunity to call upon myself and everyone present here today to increase our taqwa to Allah s.w.t. Let us perform all of His commandments and refrain from all of His prohibitions. May we grow closer to Allah s.w.t. and be among His servants to receive His protection in the Hereafter.

Dear Brothers,
Todays khutbah InshaAllah about patience and Forgiveness
As a human, our  level on understanding of religion is different and how to implement the religion also different. Each of us also has different characters. Some of us is nice but others not. And That why each of us suppose to have readiness of the soul, to face what ever happen in our life wisely. We need to be steadfast and gracefully.
Dear Brothers
we will happy if some one praise us, but we will sad if someone hurt us. This is where the examinations, whether we can control our emotion and act wisely.

About the patience and forgiveness Allah reamind us in Quran. Which Allah SWT commend the people who are able to keep his temper. In surah ali imran (3) verse 134 :Allah said :

Meaning : Who spend [in the cause of Allah ] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good;
In this surah Allah mentioned that he loves the people who do the good things.
In another surah Allah also mentioned that he loves the people who forgive each other and reward them from Allah. It is mention in Surah Ash-Syhuraa (42): 40
Meaning : The recompense for an injury is an injury: but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah: for (Allah) loveth not those who do  wrong.

Dear Brothers blessed by Allah,
In this surah Allah SWT want us to forgives and makes reconciliation, even though Allah allow us to take revenge.  as he said that is recompense an injury with an injury.
Prophet Muhammad SAW gave us lessons about forgiveness. In HR Bukhari as narrated by Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha, which is  ‘Muhammad SAW never took revenge over anybody for his own sake but (he did) only when Allah's legal bindings were outraged, in which case he would take revenge for Allah's sake.
So, it was very excellent manner of prophet Muhammad SAW, that he never take revenge to the person who hurt him.              
2nd khutbah
لحمد لله،                  .
Dear blessed jemaah
Patience and forgiveness are the recommended merit to all of us. As mentioned in the Quran and Hadith.
There are also some stories about the patience of Prophet Muhammad SAW that he always forgive the people who do bad things to him. One of that story is when There is people who draw clothes of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam hard, and it made imprint on his shoulders. In another story, he also forgive  when someone want to kill him, but failed because of the sword fell from his hand.
Dear Brothers,
Maybe we can not imitate the manner of Prophet Muhammad SAW  perfectly, but we should try what he did related to patiance and forgiveness. We need to realize that we are all human beings which are not separated from mistake.
Brother, do we ever think, when we make a mistake and hurt someone, do we want they make revenge and hurt us back? I think as a normal people we donot want people hurt us as well. And Of course we all want to be treated well.
Brothers, as a human, it is very normal if sometimes we get angry to the others. That angry should be held. Donot be harsh and speak rough. It is better to make doa for them. Make doa to Allah to give guidance to the people who made us angry and may Allah forgives their sins.
With patient we will get guidance in the form of the safety of the road to perdition and the with forgiveness   we will  get nothing but glory.   
Making doa                                                                                                                        


Tuti R.Lestari said...

Menjadi ustadz di negeri Sakura,...Barakallah.

Unknown said...

Maaf...tidak bisa dibilang ustadz..karena ilmu aku belumlah cukup untuk menyandang gelar itu..aku cuma ingin berbagi ilmu dengan banyak orang...Barakallahuli walakum..

Tuti R.Lestari said...
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